Hawker Chiropractic

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Top 6 foods for your nervous system

As Chiropractors we love the nervous system! It is what we work with every single day. By adjusting the spine we remove interference from your nervous system which allows the brain and body to communicate to each other more effectively.

However, there are many other ways in which we can support the Nervous System and one of those ways is via the food we eat. Our food makes up the building blocks to every single cell within our body and therefore we should be building it up with good quality nutritious foods.

“Do you want a body built on McDonalds and coke or fruits and vegetables?”

Our nervous system requires particular nutrients to make sure it is able to function properly and efficiently. Without these nutrients the nervous system would fatigue easily and wouldn’t make the connections required. So if you are interested in making sure your nervous system is working as well as it can then try incorporating the following foods into your diet: